houses for kids

Houses for kids – Get your little ones excited about real estate

We are buying, restoring and selling real estate for the last 8 years now. We have two girls, 5 and 3 years old. Going to the DIY shop has been part of the weekly routine all their life. No wonder our girls are full of ideas about having their own little building projects.

Of course they have their own little space in the garden with the traditional sand pit where they can unleash their creativity. I already watched them assembling stones to built ways and building houses for little bugs they collected. Sometimes they use little sticks to pretend they are drilling holes or using it as a screwdriver.

One big question keeps coming up: When is daddy building us a real house? Of course the real house where they actually live doesn’t count.

They want something more exciting, some place just for them. One of those houses for kids.

Their dream would be a tree house. Unfortunately the trees in our garden are too small to support one. Seems daddy needs to think of something else…

Once a friend gave them a small house made of cardboard. They loved it! They assembled it in the garden and spend countless hours playing in it, painting little flowers on the outside and having picnic in it.

Unfortunately one night a family of raccoons found a package of cookies left over from the picnic and completely wrecked the place. The kids were terribly disappointed when they found their house completed flattened the next morning. Again they asked: When is daddy building us a real house?

As daddy is quite busy building on his own house they decided to take matters into their own little hand. Their solution: the DIY shop! The DIY shop has a little display of houses for kids beside the entrance and the kids love to inspect them.

They already choose one that has a cool slide on the side. Now it’s up to their piggy banks. They collect every little coin in it and arranged with daddy to borrow his hammer when they are full.

Of course daddy also has his pride. He is secretly planning a cool playhouse for his little girls. Hopefully before the piggy banks are smashed, let’s see.

He has his eyes already on one of those cute houses for kids they sell on amazon:

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