Housing Gems: Affordable Homes Under 100k in Europe

Have you ever dreamed of owning a charming home surrounded by nature? Well, dream no more! Across Europe, there are hidden gems offering affordable homes under $100,000. And the best part? Some of these places will even pay you to move there! Yes, you read that right. So, let´s find your perfect nature escape.

The Appeal of Nature-Centric Living in Europe

Imagine waking up to birds singing, and taking morning walks with your dog through lush forests… Living close to nature is not just good for the soul; it’s great for your health too. Studies show that being surrounded by nature reduces stress and boosts your immune system. Plus, in our post-pandemic world, remote work has made relocating to peaceful, rural areas in Europe more feasible than ever. So why not trade the concrete jungle for a natural paradise?

European Countries Offering Relocation Incentives

Now, let’s get to the juicy part: European countries will not only welcome you with open arms but also offer financial incentives to sweeten the deal.

  1. Italy:
    • Presicce-Acquarica, Apulia: This picturesque town in southern Italy will pay you up to €30,000 if you buy a home and move there. Known for its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage, it’s the perfect spot to start your Italian adventure. Learn more about it here.
    • Sardinia: Sardinia is offering grants to people willing to move to its charming rural areas. To qualify, you need to buy or renovate a home in a municipality with fewer than 3,000 people. Check out the details here.
  2. Spain:
    • Ponga, Asturias: Nestled in the mountains, Ponga is offering up to €3,000 for families and €2,000 for individuals to move there. With its breathtaking views and peaceful lifestyle, Ponga is a nature lover’s dream.
    • Griegos, Teruel: This quaint village offers job opportunities, three months of free rent, and reduced rent afterward for families with children. Interested?
  3. Ireland:
    • Our Living Islands: Ireland’s government is offering over €80,000 to new residents who move to and restore properties on its remote islands. These islands offer a unique and tranquil living experience. Discover more here.
  4. Portugal:
    • Emprego Interior MAIS: This scheme offers up to €4,827 for workers moving to rural areas. So, imagine living in a charming Portuguese village, sitting under your own orange tree, surrounded by beautiful landscapes and friendly locals.

Affordable Homes with Natural Charm

Now, let’s talk about homes in Europe. Picture this: a cozy cottage in Italy with a garden where you can grow your own vegetables, a rustic Spanish house with views of the mountains, or a charming Irish island home with the sea at your doorstep. These homes not only come with a price tag under $100,000 but also offer the tranquility and charm that city apartments just can’t compete with.

Tips for Finding Your Home in Europe

Ready to find your own slice of paradise? Here are some tips:

  • Research: Start by researching the areas offering incentives and affordable homes. Websites like propertyunder100k.com can be a great resource.
  • Visit: If possible, visit the locations to get a feel for the community and lifestyle.
  • Understand the Requirements: Make sure you understand the requirements for the incentives, such as residency commitments or renovation stipulations.
  • Consider the Community: Think about the local amenities, healthcare, schools, and transport links. A beautiful location is great, but you also need to ensure it meets your practical needs.


Finding an affordable home under $100,000 in Europe that offers a high quality of life surrounded by nature—it’s a reality waiting for you in Europe’s hidden gems. So, start exploring these opportunities today and find your perfect nature escape.

Call to Action: Ready to find your dream home? Browse listings on propertyunder100k.com and subscribe to our blog for more tips and inspiring stories about affordable, quality living.

The Psychology of Homebuying: How Emotional Appeals Drive Sales

Purchasing a home is one of the most significant decisions in a person’s life. It’s not just about bricks and mortar; it’s about creating a place where memories are made, dreams are built, and emotions run deep. But have you ever wondered why some people choose one home over another, even when the specifications seem almost identical? The answer often lies in the psychology of homebuying, where emotional appeals play a pivotal role. This article will delve into the fascinating world of homebuying psychology and how marketing materials, such as just sold real estate postcards, can tap into these emotions to drive sales.

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Homebuying

Homebuying is an emotional rollercoaster. From the excitement of the initial search to the anxiety of negotiations and the joy of finally finding “the one,” it’s a journey filled with feelings. These emotions can range from happiness and hopefulness to stress and uncertainty, and they influence every step of the process.

One of the first emotional triggers in home buying is aspiration. Buyers often start with a vision of their dream home, complete with all the features and amenities they desire. They imagine their future life in that space, creating a strong emotional connection to it. This initial emotional attachment can be a driving force throughout the buying process.

The Power of Emotional Appeals in Marketing

Marketers understand the significance of emotions in decision-making, and the real estate industry is no exception. Just-sold postcards are a prime example of marketing materials designed to tap into these emotions. They are not just simple notifications; they are carefully crafted messages that appeal to the emotional side of prospective buyers.

One emotional trigger often used in these postcards is the fear of missing out (FOMO). These postcards highlight recently sold homes in the neighborhood, showcasing their selling prices. By doing so, they create a sense of urgency and desire in potential buyers. The fear of missing out on a great deal or a perfect home can drive individuals to take action quickly.

Another emotional appeal used in these marketing materials is social proof. Humans tend to follow the crowd, and when someone sees that others have made the same decision (in this case, buying a home in a specific neighborhood), it can provide a sense of validation and comfort. These postcards demonstrate that people are actively choosing to live in a particular area, making it more attractive to potential buyers.

Creating an Emotional Connection

Beyond FOMO and social proof, postcards can also create a direct emotional connection between the buyer and the property. These postcards often feature high-quality photographs of recently sold homes, showcasing their best features and the lifestyle they offer. When a buyer sees themselves in those pictures, they can’t help but imagine living in that space.

Moreover, personalization adds another layer of emotional appeal. When a postcard is addressed directly to the potential buyer and mentions the specific neighborhood or type of property they are interested in, it feels like a personalized invitation. This makes the buyer feel valued and understood, strengthening their emotional connection to the property.

Emotion vs. Rationality in Decision-Making

While emotions play a significant role in the homebuying process, it’s important to note that rationality also has its place. Buyers do consider factors such as location, price, and property condition. However, emotions often sway the balance in favor of one property over another when these rational factors are similar.

In fact, studies have shown that people often make decisions based on emotions and then use rationality to justify those decisions. This phenomenon, known as emotional rationalization, underscores the importance of appealing to emotions in marketing materials.


In the world of real estate, understanding the psychology of homebuying is the key to success. Emotions are at the heart of every decision, and marketing materials like just-sold real estate postcards have harnessed this knowledge to drive sales. By tapping into the emotional aspects of aspiration, FOMO, social proof, and personalization, these materials create a powerful connection between buyers and their future homes.

Author: Mary Armitt

Classic Mistakes To Avoid If You Are Buying A Spanish Holiday Home

If you are thinking about buying a holiday home in Spain, you are investing in somewhere that you will be able to relax, unwind and enjoy some beautiful sunshine far away from the drizzle and chills of the United Kingdom.

It’s a very popular choice for people looking for holiday homes, even as Brexit wrinkles continue to be ironed out. However, as anyone who has ever been through this process before will tell you, there are plenty of ways for things to go wrong. This process can be long and difficult, and you will need to take care to get the property that you have always wanted.

Don’t…Buy Before You Visit

This may sound like an obvious point to make, but nowadays it is easier than ever to find a property online and view it remotely. Estate agents can take you on a virtual walk-through that can almost make it feel like you are really there. But there is never going to be a substitute for seeing a property in person.

Leaving aside all of the problems that an estate agent can hide when they are holding the camera, you will never get the proper feel of a place until you are standing in it. So, book a flight to the location in Spain and visit in person.

Don’t…Forget About Your Insurance

One of the main things to remember about buying a holiday home is the simple fact that you are not going to be there a lot of the time. That means that there a lot of things that can happen without you being able to do anything about it for some time. For example, say a water pipe bursts shortly after you head back to the UK.

Alternatively, if you are letting other people use the house while you aren’t there, whether they are paying guests or friends staying for free, they may cause damage that you were not expecting.

Spanish holiday home insurance is the best way to make sure that you don’t end up out of pocket for any costly issues that occur while you are away. QuoteZone has everything that you need to know about the policies you may need, and they can help you to find the best quote.

Don’t…Ignore The Bigger Market

The property market around the world has been going through a lot of turbulence over the last couple of years. Now, prices have started to come down in the United Kingdom as a result of wider inflation, but that does not necessarily mean that the same is true in Spain.

You need to make sure that you are staying on top of the latest developments in the property market there, and in any specific area that you have been looking at. If you are not sure where to start, think about talking to some local property experts.

It is a fact that estate agents will always do their best to get you moved into a property as quickly as possible, so think about talking to any friends who have made similar moves to find out who they dealt with.

Author: Ryan Byrne

Guide to Real Estate Flash Sales

Real estate flash sales are a great way to find a new home without the hassle of looking at dozens of houses. They can be stressful if you don’t know what to expect, so we’ve put together some tips on how to make the most out of them.

What is a Real Estate Flash Sale?

A flash sale is a short-term promotion, typically lasting for a few hours or days, where the price of a property is drastically reduced.

The idea behind flash sales is to create a sense of urgency among shoppers and convince them to buy the house before the sale ends.

Flash sales are particularly popular in real estate because they allow agents to sell properties quickly.

Why The Real Estate Market Needs Flash Sales

The real estate market is a competitive one, which means that it requires some serious thinking and innovation to stay relevant. With the rise of online platforms like Airbnb and VRBO, more and more people are opting to rent their homes out rather than sell them. This has caused the demand for rentals to increase, but supply has not been able to keep up with the need.

This is where flash sales come in. They provide a way for investors to buy properties at a discounted price without having to wait for an open house or bidding war. So, no matter if you are just looking for a small house or a block of apartments for sale – a flash sale is always welcome to save a few bucks!

Seller – How to Make the Most Out of Your Next Flash Sale Experience

A flash sale is a short-term promotion of a land or a building at a discounted price. It is usually done by a real estate agent to generate buzz and excitement among buyers.

This type of promotion has become very popular in the recent years.

In order to make the most out of your next flash sale experience, there are some tips that you should follow.

First, you should pay attention to the time when the sale starts and ends because this will determine whether you will be able to really sell your real estate. For example certain holidays – when people are busy with other things – might not be a good time for your real estate flash sale.

Second, you should be aware that this type of promotion may look like there could be something wrong with the property. Therefore make sure you can state a good reason why you decided to make a flash sale.

Buyers – How to Make the Most Out of a Flash Sale

Flash sales are a great way to find a new home without the hassle of looking at dozens of houses. They can be stressful if you don’t know what to expect, so we’ve put together some tips on how to make the most out of them.

1) Be flexible with your search criteria: Flash sales are not just for those who have their heart set on a particular neighbourhood or house size. The best thing about these events is that they offer you access to properties that you would never have been able to afford otherwise – so don’t be too picky!

2) Work with an agent: Agents are experts in negotiating and finding deals and they will have the insider knowledge needed to get the best possible price for your property. They can also help you with other aspects such as financing, insurance and inspections. Why go at it alone?

3) Make sure you know what’s included: Make sure that any extras (such as appliances or furniture) are included in the price.

4) Make sure that everything is in order, all services such as water/sewage, electricity…etc. are at the site. Also look out for any structural problems the building may have. If you don’t trust your own judgement don’t hesitate to bring a building engineer or architect along.


We hope this article has convinced you to take part in a real estate flash sale. You will be glad that you did!

The Advantages of a Turn-Key Home

A turn-key home is a new construction that includes all the finishing touches and is ready for occupancy.

It is easier than ever before to find the perfect turn-key finish home for your needs. There are many different styles of homes available, from traditional to modern, and you can customize the home to suit your tastes. You can also find a turn-key finish home with a yard or without, depending on what you’re looking for in the perfect property.

With so many options available, it’s no wonder that this option has become increasingly popular over the years.

What is a Turn-Key Home?

A turn-key home is a house that is ready to move into or occupy without any additional construction. It has all the necessary components, such as plumbing, electricity, and heating already installed.

The term “turn-key” can also be used in the context of a business, where it means that the business is fully operational and ready for customers. In this article we will concentrate on the advantages of a turn-key finish home.

What are the Benefits?

Buying a turn-key home is a great way to enter the real estate market, with minimal hassle. You can find turn-key houses in many different styles and sizes, so it is easy to find one that fits your needs.

A turn-key home may be built from modular or prefabricated parts. In this case the house has already been constructed in a factory and then transported to the site where it will be put together like a puzzle.

A turn-key building is usually cheaper than buying an existing house because the contractor does not have to pay any additional labour costs for constructing it on site.

A Turn-Key Home – Traditional Construction

The architect designs the layout of the house, and the builder builds it according to the design. The builder then hands over the keys to the homeowner, who can move in right away.

There are many benefits to building a turn-key house, such as having all of your needs met in one place without having to worry about finding separate professionals for every job. But there are also disadvantages, like not being able to customize your home as much or living with someone else’s design choices.

But the good news is that usually you can decide how much you like to get involved in the project. Most builders would let you choose colors, tiles, flooring etc. within a certain price range.

A Turn-Key Home – Prefabricated

A turn-key finish house that is prefabricated, is made in a factory and then assembled on site.

Prefabricated homes are also known as modular homes. These are assembled in a factory and then delivered to the construction site where they are put together. You can buy these houses from catalogues or from companies that specialize in this type of housing.

The process of picking from a catalogue means you have to find the house that fits your needs, order it, and wait for it to arrive to the construction site before you can start building it.

Prefabricated houses and modular houses have their own advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to understand these differences before you make your decision of buying one of them.


In conclusion, buying a turn-key building is great for people who are looking for a home that has everything they need and want. They don’t have to worry about the hassle of finding different contractors to install different things in the house.

Higher Interest Rates, Higher Prices for Materials – What it Means for the Construction Industry

This article will provide an overview of the current state of the construction industry, as well as what to expect from it in the future.

Construction projects are a major source of employment and economic growth, but they’ve been lagging in recent years due to a number of factors. It’s important that we take a closer look at these factors so we can better understand how they affect our economy and what we can do about them.

The construction industry is a crucial part of the economy. Construction jobs are projected to grow by 10% through 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It’s also one of the fastest-growing industries in the nation.

How Higher Interest Rates Affect the Construction Industry

Construction is a cyclical industry, and the market is currently in a period of expansion. However, higher interest rates can affect the construction industry in two ways. Firstly, they can lead to higher mortgage rates which will increase the cost of home ownership. Secondly, they can lead to decreased demand for homes which will decrease new construction starts.

Age Effect

The age effect is a factor that can cause the demand for housing to change. The changing of the factors in the population over time can impact on what people are looking for when they look to buy or rent a home. For example, older people typically want larger homes with more space and amenities due to their health and declining mobility. Younger people, on the other hand, want single-family homes with smaller spaces. Market conditions can also impact home values, meaning a property may be worth more during a boom or less during a bust.

How Expensive Material Affects the Construction Industry

The construction industry is a business that is highly dependent on materials. The cost of these materials can have a significant impact on the profitability of the company.

The price of materials has skyrocketed in recent years due to inflation and scarcity. This has made it difficult for companies to keep up with demand, especially smaller companies that cannot afford to pay higher prices.

The prices of these materials are not expected to change anytime soon, so companies will need to find ways to work around this problem if they want to remain competitive in the market.

One idea that is to build with cheaper materials, for example rammed earth houses. It is environmentally friendly, usually available on site and available at very little cost.

How to Prepare for a Future with Higher Interest Rates and Expensive Material

The conclusion is that the future of the economy is uncertain. We can’t predict the future and we don’t know how it will change. It’s up to us to prepare for any possible scenario – for example to consider alternative construction methods – and be ready for anything.

Thinking to buy a house? Have a look at our listings: https://www.propertyunder100k.com/houses-for-sale

Benefits of Buying Land in a Commercial Area

It is common knowledge that acquiring real estate is one of the best investments you can make since it is one of the few assets that increase in value over time.

Few investments are as safe as buying land. In general, lots for residential purposes are better known. However, a piece of land in a commercial area provides additional benefits that we will talk about in this article prepared by Sky Marketing.

But before we begin, we must define what a commercial zone is and how it differs from a residential zone.

What is a Commercial Area?

We can define a commercial area as the extension of land that is located in urbanized areas and whose purpose is to establish commercial businesses and promote the local economy. An example of this is the small shopping malls that group a certain number of businesses such as laundries, restaurants, convenience stores, and stationery stores, among others.
It can also be a shopping center where there is a greater number of businesses, in addition to activities for recreational purposes.

Commercial zones are not something recent since this concept arrived in Latin America during the 20th century. Its origin goes back a few centuries in the rural communities of Ireland, spreading during the following years to the rest of the world. The creation of commercial zones had its origin in need to generate jobs and boost trade. In this way, they evolved to what we know today.

Benefits of Land in Commercial Areas

Currently , large investors opt for the purchase of commercial land, as they generate higher profits than residential land. In recent years, Pakistan has been in the sights of foreign businessmen looking for investment land that will bring them safe profits in the medium and long term. This is due to the fact that as of 2018, an increase in investments in the real estate sector was observed, generating excellent opportunities to acquire land at a good price, in addition to the fact that the advantages of investing in the land even in times of crisis are still valid.

Based on this, we mention the main benefits of buying land in a commercial area:

1. Accessible Investment

Acquiring land is more accessible than buying a residence, and in most cases, it is not necessary to resort to a mortgage loan. You can acquire commercial lots at a very good price and in comfortable monthly installments, ranging from 12 to 36 months, even more, if the case arises.

If you have capital, allocating it to commercial land is the best option. In this way, instead of spending your money, you will be saving while acquiring assets that will make your initial investment grow with little effort.

2. Return on Investment

When you acquire land for commercial purposes, the return on investment rises considerably. Not only because it is cheaper to buy land, but being in a commercial area increases its value, unlike residential ones. The return on investment is calculated based on the purchase conditions, the flow of money and the capital gain obtained. This information is what gives you the certainty that your purchase was a good investment.

In summary, it ensures the profitability of your investment in the medium or long term, both in terms of ROI (Return on Investment) and ROE (Return on Equity), since the average growth rate of the investment rate in a piece of land is between one 12% and 20% annually.

In order for the value of your land to increase, it must meet certain conditions. For example:

  • Location in an urbanized area
  • Commercial and pedestrian flow
  • The surrounding population and its purchasing power
  • Price of nearby properties
  • Maintenance and use provided
  • Time and quality of materials (in case of construction)

The price and value of the property are different concepts; the value that the land can reach is the one that will allow you to obtain the return on investment.

3. Stability and Security

As we mentioned, buying real estate is one of the safest investments you can make. In addition to protecting your finances and your future, it will guarantee you a constant source of income if you want to rent it.

Having an estate on land not only gives you the peace of mind that your money is safe, but it grows with each passing year. Investing in real estate will give you the opportunity to build a network of properties, which can serve as collateral for other businesses or for retirement.

4. Price and Additional Costs

As we mentioned, it is clear that it is much more affordable to buy land than properties with construction. And not only that, the additional expenses are lower and most of them can be purchased in monthly installments.

There are good opportunities to buy at competitive prices and it is even better when it comes to a pre-sale of land since the savings are greater, which is reflected in the increase in profits in the future.

If you decide not to build, the expenses are almost nil. For example, the property tax is much lower compared to that of a property with construction. As for maintenance costs, you will not have to worry since the wear and tear of the land is non-existent.

5. It is Ideal for Any Type of Investor

The real estate market is friendly, which allows all types of investors to acquire land for business even without being very steeped in real estate. Commercial lots are ideal for first-time investor who wants to start their own business, for a small business owner who wants to expand and even for large investors who want to expand their network of properties.

In addition to the above, acquiring a commercial lot prevents the emotional attachment from being generated, and it is important to point this out because the attachment that sometimes arises towards properties can cause accurate and convenient deals not to be closed in the future for you.

6. Varieties of Use

One thing that stops first-time investors is wondering what business to do on a vacant lot. To answer this, the main advantage of land in a commercial area is its variety of uses.

How is this? Depending on the type of commercial area, you can put a wide variety of businesses ranging from hairdressers to convenience stores and even for residential use, for example, a set of apartments for rent.

The advantages of this are many since you have a free hand to choose the type of business you want to start, or on the contrary, leave the land as it is to resell when necessary, which we will talk about later. Another advantage is that you can know the type of business that the other lands will have as they are acquired, and in this way, avoid repeating them.

7. Extra Rental Income

You can generate immediate profits with your land by leasing it, either through traditional means or even renting it to franchises.

Acquiring land in a commercial area gives you several business opportunities, for example:

  • Lease the Land: If you have no plans to sell it in the short term or build on it, this is an excellent option. A large number of companies and businesses are always looking for a well-located space to expand, which is beneficial for you since you will not have to invest in construction and the land will be generating constant income while increasing its value over time. Even if you decide to sell it at some point, the company that is leasing it might be interested in buying
  • Build on the Land: Another option is to build one or more premises, even make a small commercial plaza with which higher income would be generated with the rental costs. However, this implies a greater investment, extra effort and additional expenses such as taxes and maintenance.

In addition, if you take into account that land is a finite product —that is, it cannot be produced more than what already exists— the demand for land with a privileged location in urbanized areas will increase, and with it, the opportunity to close a good deal.

8. Possibility of Selling at a Good Price

If your land meets the requirements to generate capital gains, you can obtain an attractive profit in the medium or long term since the value of the land increases as the area develops and grows.

The benefit of this is that in terms of land, competition is low since most are focused on buying homes and are unaware of the advantages of land.

What should you Take into Account when Buying Commercial Land?

Now that you know the advantages of commercial lots, we can mention that an additional one is the ease with which you can close the sale. However, we will tell you about the main factors that you must take into account so that your investment is safe.

  1. Research the reputation of the real estate company that is making the sale. It seems logical, but sometimes it is easy to get carried away by promotions or prices, and although it is important, you must make sure that the seller is trustworthy and has experience in the field
  • Check the location of the land. Most don’t have pictures of land because there isn’t much to show. However, making sure the location is compliant is vitally important. Check that the flow of people is constant and its proximity to inhabited areas
  • Check the legal status of the land in the Public Registry of Property (RPP) to make sure that everything is in order
  • Confirm the commercial permits — for land use — and the type of business you can open in the area. For example, a business dedicated to the sale of liquor would not be appropriate if there is a school nearby
  • Keep up to date with the payment of taxes that corresponds to each party involved in the sale to have an accurate budget

Differences between Commercial Land and Residential Land

When it comes to buying land, such as NMC , you may wonder what is better, whether to buy a house or commercial land. Among the main differences that exist between them —and that will help you make a decision— are:

1. Infrastructure

A property for housing can hardly be used for business, especially in residential areas where it is not allowed. Commercial land can be residential or mixed-use, which gives you an advantage over what you can build and how you want to use it.

2. Business Opportunity

Homes have a higher level of competition and a higher level of effort is required to make a profit. In the case of commercial lots, as we mentioned, the competition is much less, which makes buying and selling more accessible.

3. Maintenance Expenses

A property generates constant expenses due to the wear and tear of the property, either by use or by the passage of time. On the other hand, wear and tear on land is non-existent, so maintenance costs are almost nil.

4. Acquisition Cost

A property intended for housing is definitely more expensive, and usually, the payment has to be made in a single installment unless the purchase is made through a mortgage loan. Commercial land is more accessible and does not require a bank loan since they have their own financing in much shorter periods of time. 

If you are thinking of investing in a commercial lot, consider doing it in Blue World City and approach the experts. We are Sky Marketing, and we will answer all your questions regarding real estate. Contact us.

Author: M. Rubayet

How to Make Full-Time Travel a Reality with Passive Income

All year long most of us are looking forward for the few weeks when we can go on vacation and finally embrace our true passion: travel. If we could prolong this to a few months it would be a dream come true. If you can’t work while travelling another way to be able to do this is through passive income.

The pursuit of passive income has become increasingly popular these days. No wonder, because it gives people the freedom to pursue their passions without relying on their salary for sustenance. So now, you can start a travel blog or create content for another website where you can share your experiences with others and make money at the same time! Writing about you experiences in a travel blog is top of the list on how to generate some passive income while you travel. Another big one is to rent out your home while you are away.

The Wealth of Experiences that can be Achieved on Full-Time Travel

A full-time traveller can visit one of the best places in the world. He can go to an exotic location and enjoy the culture. He can also go to places which are more offbeat and less visited.

The world is a very large place, and it is imperative that you make sure that you take time out for your own self-discovery. This will give you valuable life experiences which you will never forget.

Making Your Travel Dreams a Reality

The steps to make your dream a reality is about goal setting, investing, and the mindset shift.

First you need to set goals that are achievable in the next one, three, five or ten years. The rule is simple, if you don’t have goals, you will not achieve them.

Then you need to invest in yourself by learning new skills or strategies. And lastly you need to change your mindset because there is no such thing as “too late”. You can achieve anything!

Creating Your Own Path in Life while Embracing Every Moment Along the Way

You have to create your own path in life while at the same time embracing every moment along the way.

It’s time to take control of your life and start making choices that will define who you are. You have to be making decisions on a daily basis about what you want for yourself and for others. It’s also important to set goals for yourself so that you can move forward with your life instead of just drifting around aimlessly.

Full-Time Travel with Passive Income as the Ultimate Goal

Making full-time travel a reality is not everyone’s ultimate goal. This might be your goal if you’re an avid world traveller or if you like to explore new cultures and experience different lifestyles. Many people, though, want to do it because it seems so awesome and romantic. They might be retirees who want to spend their days doing what they enjoy the most after working for 40+ years and saving up for their retirement.

Achieving this ultimate goal will take a lot of time, effort, and money. Some people do it by saving up money while they’re still working and then quitting their jobs to travel the world while others work hard until they quit their jobs at 65 or 67 or whatever age that is in your country.

Of course, wasting all your life and energy to only achieve this goal at an advanced age seems a bit sad. That’s why some came up with a way of making this work before – with passive income.

Make Your Maths – How much passive income is needed?

The first thing to do would probably be to get your numbers right. How much money do you need every month to support yourself during your trips (food, accommodation, transport, travel insurance…)? How much money do you need to keep things back home?

The next thing would be to look at how much money you could possibly generate through passive income, such as renting out your home, having a travel blog etc. if the numbers don’t add up you might need some money and more time to build up more ways to generate passive income. On the other hand, you can also explore ways to save money on your travels, such as living in a van.

How Does the Van Life Work and How to Make it Work for You?

“Van life” is a popular lifestyle choice for those who are looking for a simpler life. You can find people living in vans all around the world. They are called “Van Dwellers.”

Van Dwellers choose this lifestyle not because they have no other choice, but because it best suits their needs. Living in a van lets them travel the world, be mobile and do what they want to do without having to answer to anyone else. The idea of living in a van is not only about the freedom and adventure, but also about saving money and enjoying sustainable living with minimal impact on environment.

Every summer, we can see hundreds of vans parked along the beaches where there are public toilets and showers. There is hardly any cheaper way to live.

How to Live in a Van and Travel Full-time on Low Budget

Some van dwellers will spend hours each day on Instagram and Facebook to document their adventures and share tips with others interested in joining the community. Of course, having an internet connection is a must.

If they have enough followers, they can also enjoy the financial benefit that comes with it. But what if you are not good at writing at all? Some choose to make certain investments that will give them passive income.

Investments You Can Make on a Low Budget

When you think of investing, you might think, “wow! That’s a lot of money.” But it doesn’t have to be. In fact, there are many low budget investments that can make a difference in your life.

The key to making the most out of your limited budget is to know what will give you the best return on your investment. You may be able to make a low investment and with your own work turn it into a big one. For example, if you are a handyman, you could look out for a cheap house. By putting in your own work you probably are able to sell it for a lot more later or even rent it out for good money, giving you a regular income to finance your travels.

Real estate Investments are one of the best ways to generate a regular passive income. Some people for example have looked up apartment blocks for sale as it is a lot easier to manage a whole block than to have apartments scattered around the country. Also, there are some management companies that can handle all issues that might come up with the tenants. By getting someone to look after your building you have a lot more time to enjoy your next travel adventures.

6 Other Ways You Can Get Passive Income

No matter if you want to travel the world or just like to have some more time with your loved ones. We all like to have a bit more money in our lives and there is a lot of opportunity these days with the rise of e-commerce and e-business. There are so many ways to make money from your home or van! Here are six ways that have been proven as lucrative by those who have tried them out:

1) Rent your property on Airbnb

2) Sell old clothes

3) Sell online courses

4) Invest in the stock market

5) Create an app or website that people use often and continue to pay for it with ads or subscriptions

6) Become a freelancer

Exciting Houses for Sale Under 100k

Living in the suburbs has never been more fun than it is today. From a home with a pool to one with a basketball court, you name it! Here are some of the most exciting homes for sale under € 100K in the suburbs.

It is hard to find an affordable house nowadays. With the median list price at a whopping € 238,000, many people are forced to move out of cities to find their dream home. But not everyone can afford this much for a house. So here are some houses on the market that won’t break your bank and will still let you live in suburbia!

Tips for Buying a House on a Budget

As we all know, buying a house is never an easy task. It can take months or even years before we finally get the opportunity to own our dream home. There are many things that need to be considered, but the thing that is often overlooked is budget.

Before you head out and start looking for your dream house, make sure that you have set a budget in mind. There are so many options out there and it’s very easy to get swayed by these pretty houses with their beautiful lawns and amazing views into spending way more than necessary for this purchase.

Set your budget in advance so you don’t spend more than you can afford!

Find Houses in Your Area You Can Buy with Less Than 100k

You can find a house in your area for less than 100k. In fact, there are many houses up for sale that have been priced to sell.

You don’t need to make an offer immediately but you may want to see if the properties are still available when you are ready to make a purchase.

In some communities, there is a housing shortage because of the growing population and not enough homes being built. That means it will be hard to find homes in your area that are reasonably priced and maybe you will have to look a bit farther away to find a home for less than 100k.

Use our Map to Find Houses for Sale Under 100k

The map is a great way to find houses for sale under 100k. It is the easiest way to do your research, and it’s free!

The map displays all of the houses for sale under 100k in your area. You can search by neighbourhood, city or price range. And you can filter by features that are important to you like price, bedrooms, bathrooms and much more.

This interactive map will help you find the perfect house for the right price in no time at all!

If you have one for sale and like to include it on our map, please use this free real estate advertising.

Image by F. Muhammad on Pixabay 

The Pros and Cons of Buying Your First Home

There are tons of advantages to buying your first home, which is why so many people own their homes. If you’re someone who dreams of homeownership, it’s important to understand both the pros and cons. Weighing these advantages and disadvantages can help you determine whether or not you’re ready to buy your first home. If you decide that you’re not ready, it’s okay! You don’t have to rush when it comes to purchasing a house. 

Here are the pros and cons of buying your first home. 

Pros of Buying a House

Buying a house is a huge investment, but it’s also incredibly exciting. People enjoy nesting and putting down roots. Here are the pros of buying your first house. 

Acts as an Investment 

Instead of giving a monthly amount to your landlord for rent, you can begin buying into your home equity. Your house is essentially a big piggy bank that grows over time. As you build equity, the value of your home increases. This is something many first-time homebuyers don’t even realize. 

The best-case scenario of being a homeowner is you pay off your loan as planned and can enjoy retirement with a lower monthly expense. Buying is much more attractive than continuing to pay landlords and corporations a percentage of your income every single month for the rest of your life. 

Houses also appreciate in value. The average home price index will continue to increase, but it’s still important you take care of your home so you can find a buyer when you decide to sell. 

Improves Credit

As you pay your mortgage off monthly and on time, your credit score will increase. Although your credit score will likely go down after you take out the loan, it’s sure to go back up once you begin making regular payments. 

Privacy and Control Over Living Space

Buying a house lets you have more privacy than renting an apartment because your neighbors are farther away. You also have more control because you own your property. In an apartment or any rental, you are restricted from doing things such as painting walls and using nails, but it is something you can do once you purchase a house. 

Unfortunately, you may not have total control over your living space and may need to consult with your HOA to make renovations. Still, there are no more limits on pets or worry about your television being too loud. 

Long-Term Stability 

Homeowners typically move less than renters because they own their homes. While it’s important you pay your mortgage so you don’t run into problems with your lender, getting removed from your house is much more difficult than getting kicked out of your apartment. 

Even though there are renter’s rights, landlords can ask you to move out of your apartment at the end of your lease for a variety of reasons, which could leave you without a stable place to raise your kids or pets. 

Cons of Buying a House

Owning a home isn’t for everyone. Many people prefer renting because of the challenges you’re about to read. Here are the cons of buying a house. 

High Upfront Costs

In the past, you must have been able to put down at least 20% as a down payment to get a mortgage. Luckily, the industry has changed, and the 20% down payment is no longer necessary. Today, you can qualify for a mortgage with much less down, but you still must consider the costs of buying a house. 

The lower your initial down payment, the higher your monthly interest rate will be, and you will have to pay monthly mortgage insurance if you don’t put 20% down. Other costs include closing costs, which can be anything from 3% to 6% of the total loan.